Okay, I should have posted these first, but I forgot about them while I was sculpting. Here are the initial sketches for my micro organism. I ended up choosing the one on the left and added extras after I oven-baked my Socorian. It seemed plainer than I'd expected so I adjusted the design and I'm quite pleased with the outcome. Because there was only a thin layer of Sculpey on top of the tinfoil, I only had to oven-bake it for 5 minutes.
Here are some near-finished photographs of the Socorian. The paint job is out of place so I was forced to add an extra layer afterwards. The medium I used was acrylic paint. It's very useful because it solidifies at a relatively quick rate and it's thick as well. The only things that aren't painted in the next two pictures are the eyes. At the time I couldn't decide on what colours I wanted them.
You can see a size comparison below. (between the Socorian and my hand)
The final product is below. I added some objects in the back to do a comparison to other objects. I decided to make its eyes bright yellow so it is easier to navigate at night.

The story behind our creatures:
A few years ago scientists were bored and decided to see if they could create a super race of animals that could adapt with the changing climate and environments. The animals came out excellent and all was thought to be well. One night the guard forgot to lock one of the animals cages properly. That animal got out and released the rest. The next morning the scientists arrived to see that all of the animals were out of place. Not knowing exactly what species of the super breed mated with who, the animals were placed in there original cages and locked. Three months later the female animals and one asexual animal gave birth to what is now the inhabitants of planet NuZe, which is short for Nuclear Zero. Once the scientists saw such hideous creatures, they knew that such animals would not be accepted or understood in the current society. They rounded up the mutant animals and shipped them off into space. They landed on planet Nuclear Zero and have been breeding with each other ever since. The Snoctobunny is a fuse of a snail, octopus and rabbit. It is one of the more dominant prey since they breed often and produce 20 in a litter. The casualties are large, but the reproduction rate is even greater.
Finally, here are the descriptions of the Socorian!
The Socorian is a rare, mutated version of a scorpion that originally lived in a rainforest before it was shot onto Nuze. This poisonous creature often lurks in the shrubs, and its body colour almost acts as a camouflage. It will appear as a sweet berry (strawberry or cherry) to some mammals. However, the horns all over the Socorian’s body are poisonous, but not so potent it would kill a large animal.
The Socorian is aggressive and enjoys torturing its prey before feasting.
After being tortured mercilessly by scientists on earth, this mutated creature craves for Snoctobunnies. It often attempts to inject its poison into the prey to weaken it, but sometimes fails because of the Snoctobunny’s supple body.
If larger creatures attempt to injure the Socorian, it can defend itself with its sharp claws. Its tail is heavy and sharp and can easily render an opponent unconscious. This creature’s one weakness is its stomach. There is no defensive feature underneath. Therefore it can easily be defeated once turned over.
- My partner, Gabriella Visciano, is the creator of the Snoctobunny. While I created the predator in this project, she created the prey. Please visit her blog to view her colourful creation!