Second 3D assignment done in class. It's a bit more complex than I thought, but 3D Max has some impressive features. Can't wait to do my logo!
Kirby was made over the summer as a gift for a friend of mine in the U.S. It's too bad I don't have a nice glaze for the acrylic paint. The lines wouldn't be as noticeable, but hey, it's cute, right?
Anyway, I started off with some tin foil and some Super Sculpey. The little guy isn't really big. He just fits in my hand. I apologize for the first blurry picture.
This is the result of cooking him for about five minutes. Because there's a ball of tinfoil inside and just a small layer of clay on top I didn't want to over do it. In fact I think his feet were beginning to burn once I took him out, so all in all I was happy with my result.